Tender Description

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Provision of services from attorneys to perform debt collection. Contractors are required to institute legal action against debtors.

Enquiries: Ms. Rolene Nel / Mr Charl Hartnick (T) 028 551 8000
Document Completion: Ms. Jodie Timmie(T) 028 551 8000(E) [email protected]
Document Completion: Ms Dalicia Booysen(T) 028 551 8000(E) [email protected]
Documents: Ms Jodie Timmie(T) 028 551 8000(E) [email protected]

Closing Date

14 March 2022     12H00

Compulsory Briefing

A compulsory clarification meeting will be held at Ladismith Library hall, 21 Queen Street, Ladismith, Time 10h30, Date: 01 March 2022.

Evaluating Principle


Tender Number

KANNA 02/2022


The tender document is also available in electronic format and may be e-mailed to interested service providers. The tender document will also be available at the compulsory clarification meeting. Tender documents are available during office hours on Monday to Fridays from 07h30 – 16:00, at the Supply Chain Management Offices in Ladysmith.

A set of tender documents can be obtained at a non-refundable price of R554.10 per set. Payments must be made by cash or bank deposit payable to the Kannaland Municipality. Bank account details are: Account Holder: Kannaland Municipality, Bank: Standard Bank, Account number: 420543562, Branch: Ladysmith, Branch code: 051001, reference number KANNA 02/2022.

The fully completed original tender document, each in individually sealed envelopes, must be deposited in the tender box at Kannaland Municipality – Building, 32 Church Street, Ladysmith by not later than 12:00 (GMT+2) on Monday, 14 March 2022. The envelope must be endorsed dearly on the outside with the number, title and dosing date of the tender. Kannaland Municipality does not accept any electronical/emailed tender applications. The tender box will be emptied just after 12:00 on the closing date after which all bids will be opened in public. Late bids or bids submitted by e-mail or fax will under no circumstances be accepted.

Tenders must be submitted on the original documents and remain valid for ninety (90) days after the dosing date of the tender.


Please contact them directly for any additional information.

Good luck – we offer awesome value-adding services for debt collection strategies – contact us should you need more information.