Tender Description
Addendum: Amendment to Closing Date. Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality hereby invites proposals for the appointment of a panel of financial management consultants. Specifications: • Provision of VAT services, • Provision of internal audit, • Provision of forensic investigation, • Provision of data cleansing, • Provision of debt collection, • Preparation of annual financial statements, • Provision of various functions pertaining to asset management. Duration: 3 years.
Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality | 036 353 0693/0681/0691 | 036 353 6661 |
Enquiries: Mr. S.A. Memela | 036 342 7827 | [email protected] |
Closing Date
29 October 2021 10H00
Compulsory Briefing
No Details
Evaluating Principle
Tender Number
ILM 06/21/22
Terms of Reference and functionality criteria will be available in PDF format as from 05 October 2021 in the Inkosi Langalibalele Municipality webpage (http://www.ilm.gov.za/tender-adverts/) and/or e-tenders website (https://www.etenders.gov.za/Home/opportunities?id=1)
Tenders must be placed in a sealed envelope and clearly marked “Appointment of a Panel of Financial Management Consultants” quoting the relevant Bid Number must be deposited in the Tender box at ground floor, Inkosi Langalibalele Municipality, Victoria Street, Estcourt, 3310 by not later than the date and time stipulated, where they will be opened and registered in public.
Inkosi Langalibalele Local Municipality hereby invites proposals from all suitable qualified and experienced organizations/consortia in terms of section 83 of the Municipal systems Act, Act 32 (as amended) and sections 110 and 112 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, Act 56 of 2003 for the Panel of Financial Management Consultants. The evaluation criteria will be based on functionalities which shall be enshrined on the Terms of Reference. Bidders are required to submit comprehensive proposals accompanied by company’s CSD (Central Supplier Database) Report, Certified CIPC Documents, Certified Identity Documents of all Directors, Valid copy of the Tax Clearance PIN from the Receiver of Revenue, Rates and Taxes Statement obtainable from the Local Municipality, alternatively, Valid Lease Agreement. Please note that the onus is upon the tenderer to ensure that the Tax matters are always up to date.
Please contact them directly for any additional information.
Good luck – we offer awesome value-adding services for debt collection strategies – contact us should you need more information.