Tender Description

Cederberg Municipality invites tenders from duly qualified and registered debt collection service provider to assist Cederberg Municipality with collecting revenue on overdue accounts, for a three-year period.



Name Tel/Fax Email
Enquiries: Mr. M. Memani 027 482 8000

Closing date

15 April 2021 12H00

Compulsory Briefing


Evaluating Principle

No detail

Tender Number

CED 18/2020-2021


Payment of a non-refundable tender deposit of R841.00 (VAT inclusive) is applicable. The amount must be deposited into Cederberg Municipality’s account at Standard Bank, Branch Code: 05-0106, Account No: 082 163 324. The reference number when doing payment is: CED 18/2020-2021 – Company Name.

A tender that fails to meet any pre-qualifying criteria stipulated in the tender documents is an unacceptable tender. The Municipality reserves the right to withdraw any invitation to tender, and/or to re-advertise or reject any tender, or to accept a part of it. The Municipality is not bound to accept the lowest or highest or any tender. Please refer enquiries to Mr. M. Memani on telephone number 027 482 8000.


Please contact them directly for any additional information.