Tender Description

Nyandeni Local Municipality invites all service providers that are fully equipped and meet the minimum requirements for debt collection, to submit detailed proposals for rendering debt collection services as per Nyandeni Local Municipality Credit Control and Debt Collection Policy. The Municipality is looking to contract the winning bidder with a two-year contract to render debt collection services to the municipality.

Name: Tel
Technical Enquiries: Ms. N. Tukela (047) 555 5000/33
Technical Enquiries: Mr. B. Be (047) 555 5000/07
SCM: Mr. Z. Madyibi (047) 555 5036
Document Collection 047 555 5000

Closing Date

21 May 2021     12H00

Compulsory Briefing

No Detail

Evaluating Principle


Tender Number

BID 21/2021


Bid documents with the necessary specifications/terms of reference may be obtained at Nyandeni Local Municipal Offices from Monday, 03 May 2021 @ 10:00, from the Cashier, Nyandeni Local Municipality, B.N. Nomandela Drive, Libode.

Bid documents with the necessary specifications may be obtained at a non-refundable cost of R 536.00 per document (payable in cash or a bank guaranteed cheque).

Bids in a sealed envelope clearly marked marked “BID NUMBER (e.g. Bid 21/2021)” and “Provision of Debt Collection Services” must be placed in the tender box at the reception.



Please contact them directly for any additional information.

Good luck – we offer awesome value-adding services for debt collection strategies – contact us should you need more information.