Tender Description

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of debt collectors for 3 years.

Technical Enquiries: Mr. R Diphaphang076 828 4069
SCM Enquiries: Mr. P. Dyonase061 274 2501

Closing Date

30 November 2021     14H00

Compulsory Briefing

A compulsory briefing session will be held on 12 November 2021 at 11h00. Venue: Zastron Town Hall.

Evaluating Principle


Tender Number



Documents will be available at Municipal Head Office. All bid documents to be collected at Mohokare Local Municipality, Zastron Offices, Hoofd Street, Zastron, 9950. For further information and documents, please visit the following website: https://www.etenders.gov.za/Home/opportunities?id=1.

A non-refundable document price of R1,000.00. Payments cannot be made at the supply chain management office but can be made at the following paypoints: • Zastron Offices, Hoofd Street, Zastron, 9950. Alternatively, direct or electronic deposits to the municipal bank account: FNB Bank, Account no: 53593549308, Branch code: 210 120, Ref: Applicable SCM number.

Venue: Zastron Town Hall (Hoofd Street). All bid documents to be submitted at Mohokare Local Municipality, Zastron Offices, Hoofd Street, Zastron, 9950. The following shall not be considered: (i) Tenders received after the closing date and time determined here-in; (ii) Tenders of which the envelopes have not been duly marked for identification; (iii) Telegraphic, faxed and telephonic tenders or those completed in pencil. All bids should be deposited in the tender box at the Mohokare Local Offices, Hoofd Street, Zastron by not later than 14:00 of the closing date stated. The envelope must be clearly marked applicable SCM number and Tender description.