Tender Description
Re-Advertisement: Mogalakwena Local Municipality hereby invites suitably qualified service providers to tender for the appointment of a service provider for additional outsourced agency for the collection of outstanding debtors accounts older than 60 days for a period of three (3) years on and as an when basis. Please confirm contract number.
Technical enquiries: Ms P Seleka | (T) 015 491 9674 | (E) [email protected] |
Administrative Enquires | (T) 015 491 9649/9662 | |
SCM Enquiries: Supply Chain Management Unit | (T) 015 491 9662/9649 | (E) [email protected] |
Closing Date
31 July 2023 12H00
Compulsory Briefing
Evaluating Principle
No Detail
Tender Number
Tender document containing the conditions of bids and requirements can be downloaded on the Mogalakwena website www.mogalakwena.gov.za and E-tender website www.etenders.gov.za For further information and documents, please visit the following website: http://www.mogalakwena.gov.za/?q=advertised_tenders
Tender document can be downloaded for free.
The project name and the project number must be clearly marked on the envelope before submission. Complete tender documents, fully priced, signed and sealed in an envelope must be deposited in the tender box at Mogalakwena Municipality, 54 Retief Street, Mokopane, by no later than 12H00p.m. on the 31st July 2023, all tenders received will be opened in public in the Old Council Chamber, on the ground floor. Tenders and supporting documents must be sealed in an envelope clearly marked: Tender NO: 20-2022/2023 must be deposited in the tender box of Mogalakwena Municipality not later than 12H00 on 31 July 2023 when all tenders received will be opened in public in the old Council Chambers, on the ground floor. Late, faxed or telephonic tenders will not be accepted.
Please contact them directly for any additional information.
Good luck – we offer awesome value-adding services for debt collection.